Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY

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Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY- learn how to upgrade a basic flower pot using fabric twine.

Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY

     Last month I posted a tutorial showing how to turn your fabric scraps into twine. I love the twine I made and I’m constantly finding new ways to use it! I decided to do some experimenting over the weekend and see how easy it was to sew together. Spoiler alert: it’s super easy! I coiled the scrap fabric twine and hand sewed it together row by row using metallic yarn that has a silky texture. I covered a plastic flower pot, but this could easily have been a basket. I’m really happy with the way this DIY turned out. The flower pots adds color and texture to my white walls…and best of all, it was free to make! 

Note- You don’t want the flower pot to drain onto the twine. Make sure you have a second plastic pot (with no holes) over the original flower pot to catch any water.


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Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY

Supplies needed:
Scrap Fabric twine

Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY

Begin coiling up your scrap fabric twine on a flat surface.

Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY

Starting at the inside of the coil, begin sewing the rows together. Loop the thread around the row and stitch in a circular motion.

Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY

Keep winding and sewing until your base is the desired size. Make it slightly larger than your flower pot.

Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY

To begin working upwards, just place a row of twine above instead of next to the previous row.

Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY

Keep working upwards until you reach the desired height.

Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY

When you reach the end, knot the end of the twine with the yarn a few times and cut off any excess.

Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY
Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY
Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY
Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY

I love seeing your finished projects! If you enjoyed making this Fabric Twine Flower Pot DIY or any of my other DIY craft projects, I’d love to see yours on Instagram, just tag me @ginamicheleblog. Happy crafting!

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