
Easy Crochet Dress Pattern

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Easy Crochet Dress Pattern- Discover how to effortlessly crochet a stylish dress with this beginner-friendly pattern.

Easy Crochet Dress Pattern

Get ready to stitch up something truly special with this Easy Crochet Dress Pattern. Perfect for beginners and seasoned crafters alike, this pattern offers a simple yet stylish way to create your own summer dress.

So grab your crochet hook and favorite yarn, and let’s get started on creating a stunning dress that you’ll love to wear all season long!


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Easy Crochet Dress Pattern

Easy Crochet Dress Pattern

(As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases)
Yarn: Premier Hipster Cotton in Desert Skies (5 skeins)
Crochet hook: size US H
Gauge: 15 sc and 16 rows = 4 inches
Size: One size fits XS-M
Bust measure approximately 40 inches
Hips measure approximately 44 inches

Pattern instructions:
For the front & the back (make 2)

With A, ch 71 
Row 1: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 1 sc in each ch to the end of the chain. Turn. (70 sc)
Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as dc here and throughout). 1 dc in first sc. *Skip next 2 sc. 3 dc in next sc. Rep from* to last 3 sc. Skip next 2 sc. 2 dc in last sc. Turn. 22 groups of 3 dc, with 2 dc at either side edge.
Row 3: Ch 3. Skip next dc. 3 dc in sp between last skipped dc and next dc-group. *3 dc in sp between next 2 dc-groups. Rep from * to last 2 dc. Skip next dc. 1 dc in last dc. Turn.
Row 4: Ch3. 1 dc in first dc.*3dc in sp between next 2 dc-groups. Rep from * to last dc. 2 dc in the top of the last dc. Turn.
Rows 5 and 6: Same as 3rd and 4th rows.
Repeat rows 3 to 6, until the piece measures approximately 25 inches, ending on either 4th or 6th row of the pattern. Fasten off.

Shape armholes:
Row 1: (RS). Skip first dc. Join with sl st to next dc. Ch3. Skip next dc.3 dc in space between last skipped dc and next dc-group. *3 dc in sp between next 2 dc-groups. Rep from * to last 5 dc. Skip next dc. 1 dc in next dc. Turn. Leave remaining sts unworked. 20 groups of 3 dc, with 2 dc at either side edge.
Continue even in pattern until the armhole measures approximately inches, ending on 4th or 6th row of pat.

Shape Left Shoulder:
Row 1: Ch3. Skip next dc. 3 dc in space between the last skipped dc and next dc-group. (3 dc in sp between next 2 dc-groups) 4 times. Skip next dc. 1 dc in next dc. Turn. Leave remaining sts unworked.

Next row: Pat across row. Fasten off.
Ch3. Skip next dc. 3 dc in space between last skipped dc and next dc-group. (3 dc in sp between next 2 dc-groups) times. Skip next dc. 1 dc in next dc. Turn. Leave remaining sts unworked.
Next row: Work across row in pattern. Fasten off.

Shape Right Shoulder: 
With RS facing, skip next 32 dc. Join yarn to next dc. Ch 3. Skip next dc. 3 dc in sp between last skipped dc and next dc-group. (3 dc in sp between next 2 dc-groups) 4 times. Skip next dc. 1 dc in last dc. Turn.
Next row: Work across row in pattern. Fasten off.

Sew shoulder seams. Sew side seams.
Neck edging: With RS facing, join yarn with slip stitch to right shoulder seam. Ch 1. Work 1 rnd of sc evenly around neck edge. Join with sl st to first sc. Fasten off.
Sleeve edging: With RS facing, join yarn with slip stitch to right shoulder seam. Ch 1. Work 1 rnd of sc evenly around neck edge. Join with sl st to first sc. Fasten off.

Easy Crochet Dress Pattern
Easy Crochet Dress Pattern

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I love seeing your finished projects! If you enjoyed making this Easy Crochet Dress Pattern or any of my other free crochet patterns, I’d love to see yours on Instagram, just tag me @ginamicheleblog. Happy crocheting!

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